September 10, 2005

Microsoft Student 2006太强了

  在Leon的介绍下装了Microsoft Student 2006,真是“哇!”。首先功能很多,其次内容很多(因为是基于百科全书的),然后知识点都是互相联系紧密的,最后附带好多实用的功能。不管是图形计算 器还是超多的office实际应用模版,都太好用了。我现在才使用了不久,就被折服了。在emule和bt都有下载,大家真是有福了。

Microsoft Student 2006 is a comprehensive, subject-specific resource designed to help middle- and high-school students complete high-quality homework assignments and projects in less time. With curriculum-based templates and tutorials, a fully functional graphing calculator with 2-D and 3-D four-color graphing capabilities, trusted content, and tools for cutting through online clutter, Microsoft Student 2006 provides students with the tools and information they need to achieve academic success.

Learning Essentials for Students
Microsoft Office-compatible templates, tutorials, and toolbars help students create high-quality reports and presentations.

Graphing Calculator
A customizable 3-D calculator helps students visualize and solve complex math and science problems.

Web Companion
Web Companion improves Internet research with editorially approved content that is presented alongside Web search results.

Encarta Premium Encyclopedia
A full version of Microsoft Encarta Premium provides a world of trusted information to explore.

Online math homework help
Complete sets of questions and answers taken directly from popular math textbooks offer step-by-step help.

Encarta Premium Encyclopedia
A full version of Microsoft Encarta Premium provides a world of trusted information to explore.

Book Summaries
Over one thousand in-depth guides help students gain a better understanding of popular literary works.

Project starters
Organizational guides and tools take the stress out of starting projects.

Sometimes the hardest part about doing homework is getting started. Learning Essentials for Students provides assignment-specific guidance in Microsoft Office applications such as Microsoft Word, PowerPoint®, and Excel. With curriculum-based templates, tools, and tutorials, Learning Essentials helps with a variety of subjects and assignments, from history reports and essays to physics projects and chemistry labs.

Getting past the blank page
The easy-to-use and intuitive tools, templates, and tutorials in Learning Essentials help students get past formatting questions and puts them into the core of the assignment to create high-quality reports, presentations, science projects, and other assignments more easily. Developed in cooperation with well-regarded academic publishers like Pearson Prentice Hall, SchoolKiT, and Great Source Houghton Mifflin Co., Learning Essentials even offers tips, tricks, and tutorials for managing homework projects and developing study aids.

Writing in Spanish, French, and German?
Microsoft Student 2006 unlocks tools in Microsoft Office specially designed for foreign language assignments, providing templates for writing in Spanish, French, and German. Once a template is launched, the student will have tools available specifically for writing in that language, such as letters with appropriate accents and spell checking with suggested correct spellings.

Putting together a polished package
Learning Essentials help students create accurate and compelling work—even in math and science. Guidelines and templates for Microsoft PowerPoint make for sharp analytical presentations, and templates for Microsoft Excel improve critical thinking on physics and chemistry assignments.

Microsoft Student 2006 comes with an invaluable tool for math and science homework: powerful, easy-to-use Graphing Calculator software, the perfect complement to the handheld calculators typically required in middle and high school.

A full-color display with 2-D and 3-D charting capabilities helps students visualize difficult problems in trigonometry, calculus, chemistry, and physics classes, and students can enter problems just as they appear in their textbooks. The ability to view, rotate, and animate large, colorful graphs makes understanding difficult concepts and problem-solving in advanced math and science courses significantly easier. Students can also save their work—to finish later, add to Word or PowerPoint documents, or share with study groups.

Customizable, interchangeable Calculator Skins let students personalize the Graphing Calculator and express their individual style.

Microsoft Student 2006 helps students find the right information—when and where they need it—from trusted sources, both online and off.

Streamline searches with Web Companion
Help students avoid the frustration of unfocused Web searches. When students do research online, Web Companion will bring up accurate, trusted information alongside the search-engine results—right in the browser, without launching additional applications.

Get the facts with Microsoft Encarta Premium 2006
Microsoft Student 2006 includes a full version of Encarta Premium 2006, with the Encarta Dictionary and Thesaurus, as well as more than 68,000 Encarta encyclopedia articles, edited by a team of thousands of experts in science, history, geography, and math. The Encarta Search Bar in the Windows task pane provides even faster, easier access to this wealth of information.

Microsoft Student 2006 gives students even more tools for tackling complicated assignments.

Find help online for math homework
Help with difficult homework assignments is just a few clicks away for basic math, algebra, advanced algebra, and geometry*. There's even a good chance that students can find the precise page and problem they're working on. Step-by-step instructions and hints are based on actual textbooks from major publishers. *

Help students start—and finish—assignments more quickly
Students can get tips for starting, managing, and completing work on essays, research papers, book reports, creative-writing projects, science projects, art projects, and oral presentations with Project Quick Starters in Microsoft Student 2006. A set of Book Summaries helps students understand and appreciate over a thousand classic works of literature, with synopses, analysis of themes and characters, and ideas for writing book reports.

To use Microsoft Student 2006, you need:

* A multimedia computer with a Pentium 500-MHz processor or faster (1 GHz or higher recommended)
* Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pack 4, or Windows XP operating system. Learning Essentials requires Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional SP4 or Windows XP and Microsoft Office 2003 or XP.
* Minimum 256 MB of RAM for Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pack 4 or Windows XP
* 850 MB of available hard-disk space; Encarta Kids requires an additional 330 MB of hard-disk space
* DVD-ROM drive
* 4 MB of VRAM; 16-bit SVGA or higher monitor supporting 800x600 screen resolution (1024x768 recommended)
* Microsoft Mouse, Microsoft IntelliMouse, or compatible pointing device
* 16-bit sound card with speakers or headphones

Additional items or services required to use certain features:

* Some features require an Internet connection. Access to and use of the Internet may require payment of a separate fee to an Internet service provider. Local and long distance telephone call charges may apply
* Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 (included on disk) or later; users can maintain other default browsers after installation (requires up to 75 MB of additional hard-disk space)
* Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 requires an additional 160 MB of hard-disk space. (included on disk)
* To access sounds and videos, Microsoft Windows Media Player 7.1 is required.

To use Update Encarta, Web links and Encarta Premium Online, you need:
* 28.8 Kbps or faster modem.
* Access to the Internet
* Up to 4 MB of additional hard-disk space for each month's installments
* Club Encarta Registration

To use Encarta Kids, you need:
* 450 MB of additional available hard-disk space

To use the Copy to Hard Drive feature, you need:
* Up to 2.1 GB of additional available hard-disk space

To hear the Encarta Dictionary Pronunciations, you need:
* Up to 150 MB of additional available hard-disk space

* Note:
An active Internet connection required for Live Media, Update Encarta, Web Links and access to Encarta Premium. Update Encarta and access to Encarta Premium Online available through October 2006 Club Encarta required for Update Encarta and access to Encarta Premium Online. Registration for Club Encarta requires a Microsoft® .NET Passport and an Internet connection. You must be 13 years or older to join Club Encarta.

September 9, 2005


专辑名称: 小王子
Cathialine Andria -------------La rose
Laurent Ban-------------------Le vaniteux
Christophe Cerino -----------Le géographe
Romain Cortèse --------------Le renard
Thomas Gérome --------------L'allumeur de réverbère
Sébastien Izambard ---------Le businessman
Jeff ------------------------------Le petit prince
Daniel Lavoie -----------------L'aviateur
Stéphane Néville -------------Le roi
Nicaud --------------------------Le buveur
Nicolas Sage ------------------L'aiguilleur
语言种类: 法语

  我对《小王子》很喜欢很喜欢的,中文书看过两遍,法文书看过一遍。借助文本文件,今天看完了《小王子》的音乐剧。这部音乐剧还是非常忠实原著的。《小 王子》讲的故事很简单,也很复杂。不知从哪个星球来的小王子,在自己的小星球上有一朵玫瑰花。他告别玫瑰花,路经各种各样的星球上的大人,来到荒无人烟的 地球沙漠,与狐狸和迷失沙漠的飞行员相遇。
  下面截取两段在书中和在音乐剧中我都非常喜欢的片断,前者是小王子和狐狸的对话,后者是小王子对玫瑰的表白。两者都是关于“驯养”的,中文 “驯养”可能有点词不达意。大概意思据我归纳就是如何互相联系,成为对于对方独一而非芸芸众生的一种途径。后者《Puisque c'est ma rose》其实也是这部音乐剧的主题曲。

le Petit Prince : - Non, je cherche des amis. Qu'est-ce que ça signifie, " apprivoiser " ?
le renard : - C'est une chose trop oubliée. Cela signifie créer des liens.
le Petit Prince : - Créer des liens ?
le renard : - Bien sûr. Tu n'es encore pour moi qu'un petit garçon tout semblable à cent mille petits garçons, et je n'ai pas besoin de toi. Et tu n'as pas besoin de moi non plus, je ne suis pour toi qu'un renard semblable à cent mille renards. Mais si tu m'apprivoises, nous aurons besoin l'un de l'autre. Tu seras pour moi unique au monde, je serai pour toi unique au monde.

puisque c'est elle que j'ai arrosée,
puisque c'est elle que j'ai protégée,
puisque c'est elle que j'aime écouter,
puisque c'est ma rose.
puisque c'est elle que j'aime habrité,
puisque c'est elle que j'aime rassurer,
puisque c'est elle que j'aime aimer,
puisque c'est ma rose.

puisque c'est elle.


September 7, 2005



September 6, 2005

Uninstall MSN for Google Talk

  无目的的上网很有意思,一扇门通向另一扇门,每个房间有未知、相联系又完全不同的东西。今天本来在看verycd.com的新资源,看到了《恐龙特基 克塞号》的下载,而后看到了关于回到过去的解释,再看到了“平行宇宙说”,进而看一个人关于“平行宇宙说”的blog,又到友情连接的别的blog看到了 关于Uninstall MSN 運動的文章。
  说实话我对IM也有些感想。本来放弃QQ使用MSN完全就是因为MSN的简单平实,没想到最近中国的MSN是越来越华而不实。此等形势下,简洁的 Google一直是我的最爱。我的浏览器默认页也是Google。看到那个台湾同胞文章里提到Google Talk,我是今天第一次听说。是不是有点孤陋寡闻?Anyway,我刚下载了Google Talk,虽然现在上面还没有人,但是明显感觉到更简洁清新。希望大家都能使用起来。
  当然,Google Talk也是和Gmail联系起来的,这有点像MSN和Hotmail,不同的是Gmail比Hotmail大多了。所以,看到的朋友,请你用吧。如果还 没有Gmail帐号,我可以发邀请号给你们。我想我现在暂时还不会卸载MSN吧,等我推广好了Google Talk再动手。

最重要的是连接地址:Google Talk/Gmail

September 4, 2005


  今天久违的“厚颜无耻”终于有见面咯。好难得啊,这恐怕是高中毕业后我们四个人的第一次的都到齐的聚会。从“厚颜无耻”成立已经六年多了呀,真是时光 飞逝呀。8|不过我们大家风采不减,今天玩得开心地累死了。在海上渔市吃了午饭,去和平公园开电动船,去避风塘玩“吓出心脏病”,去同济旁边的小弄弄饭店 吃晚饭,去鞍山兜......另,今天在大连路上又看到有小偷在偷骑自行车的一个女人的包,还好那个骑车女自己及时发现。现在小偷太猖狂了+--



September 3, 2005


  今天和初中上次聚会的漏网之鱼聚了聚,有吴昊、叶斯嘏和王盈。在新旺茶餐厅吃饭,结账的时候有意外的惊喜。应该是两百多,我刚从皮夹里拿出两张一百的 钞票,还没来得及拿零钱出来,服务员已经迫不及待地拿着200块去结账了。我们正在笑那服务员的粗心时,服务员竟然拿着七十几块的找零回来了。我很莫名, 便问她:“我们到底吃了多少钱?”那个服务员似乎恍然大悟地说:“我帮你再去看看。”她不一会就又回来了,还是拿着那七十几块的找零,说:“对的,你们是 吃了两百多。”我这下可搞不懂了,到底是那服务员搞错了把我的两百当三百了,还是我搞错了拿出来两百以为拿了三百。在大家的怂恿下,我决定就这样子。于是 匆匆离开饭店,连发票都没敢要:|

September 2, 2005


  总成绩 7.5
  听力 8.5
  阅读 7.5
  写作 6.0
  口语 7.0
  其实还算是意料之中的,写作只得了6分是完全有道理的。因为已经很久很久没有写作文了,在考试之前我也一篇没练过。写作还是要多写写,有技巧的写的。 至于其他的么,我知道我听力还是不错的,但是没料到听力会得8.5那么高分。阅读口语还行,其实口语我觉得还能再高点。8|还是满满意满开心的:#


9 Expert User
Has fully operational command of the language: appropriate, accurate and fluent with complete understanding.

8 Very Good User
Has fully operational command of the language with only occasional unsystematic inaccuracies and inappropriacies. Misunderstandings may occur in unfamiliar situations. Handles complex detailed argumentation well.

7 Good User
Has operational command of the language, though with occasional inaccuracies, inappropriacies and misunderstandings in some situations. Generally handles complex language well and understands detailed reasoning.

6 Competent User
Has generally effective command of the language despite some inaccuracies, inappropriacies and misunderstandings. Can use and understand fairly complex language, particularly in familiar situations.

5 Modest User
Has partial command of the language, coping with overall meaning in most situations, though is likely to make many mistakes. Should be able to handle basic communication in own field.

4 Limited User
Basic competence is limited to familiar situations. Has frequent problems in understan
ding and expression. Is not able to use complex language.

3 Extremely Limited User
Conveys and understands only general meaning in very familiar situations. Frequent breakdowns in communication occur.

2 Intermittent User
No real communication is possible except for the most basic information using isolated words or short formulae in familiar situations and to meet immediate needs. Has great difficulty understanding spoken and written English.

1 Non User
Essentially has no ability to use the language beyond possibly a few isolated words.

0 Did not attempt the test
No assessable information provided.

September 1, 2005



  在附近吃过了brunch后,我们到了位于枫林路300号的上海昆虫博物馆。上海昆虫博物馆的前身是法国神父韩伯禄(PMHeude)于1868年的 创办的原震旦博物馆(Museum Heude)昆虫部。我们用我过期的学生证买到了10元的学生票,于是就开始了近距离认识昆虫的过程。据说,昆虫是一种很古老的动物,甚至见证了恐龙时 代。特别是蟑螂,是最古老的一种昆虫。硕大的两层展厅,就只有我们两个人。所以我们完全可以慢慢细心观赏。在那里不乏很恶心的虫,也有很多非常非常漂亮的 蝶和蛾的标本。看着恶心的各种虫就不谈了,还是说说好看的东西。最漂亮的是闪蝶,它的翅膀从不同角度看颜色是有变化的。据我们判断,可能是它翅膀上的绒毛 使然。闪蝶还分好多种类,馆内特别提到并陈列的是光明女神闪蝶。据介绍,一只光明女神闪蝶价值36万人民币。

  我从网上找到一张光明女神闪蝶的照片,但必须做点说明。首先我再博物馆看到的翅膀上是没有白色的,照片上的白色可能是因为闪光灯的缘故。其 次,从不同角度看,闪蝶翅膀的蓝色是有所变化的,有时偏紫有时偏白,变化无穷。真的超级漂亮!可惜上海昆虫博物馆不允许拍摄,否则就能带回来看到超好看的 蝴蝶了。漂亮的蝴蝶和蛾一只一只数不胜数,看都后面都出现审美疲劳了。

  上海昆虫博物馆花了我们一个半小时的时间,看时间还早,我们便直奔上海博物馆。在上博,我们运气没那么好,卖票的小姐看的超仔细。我们只得乖 乖的买了20元的成人票,否则学生票只要五元呀。今天刚开始展出的是《"太阳王"路易十四——法国凡尔赛宫珍藏展》,我们有超过一半原因是冲着这来的。下 面摘一段上博的简介:


  路易十四(Louis XIV,1638年9月5日出生于法国圣-日尔曼-翁-莱伊,1715年9月1日逝世于凡尔赛)是法国国王,他的执政期是从1643年至1715年。他也被称为太阳王(Roi Soleil)。
  在红衣主教阿尔芒·让·德·普莱西·李希留和马萨林的外交成果的支持下,路易十四在法国建立了一个以他为中心的、巴洛克式的专制王国。他发动 战争、在凡尔赛宫举行豪华的庆祝、资助艺术和科学的发展来为他自己增光。在他的大臣如让·巴普蒂斯特·柯尔贝的帮助下他将整个法国的官僚机构集中于他的周 围,以此增强了法王的军事、财政和机构的力量。对他执政不利的事件有他与教皇之间的不和,他对胡格诺派教徒的迫害以及西班牙继承权战争。他执政期的后期法 国国库空虚濒临破产。

  与其说这是一场凡尔赛宫的展览,说是路易十四的个人展或许更为恰当。因为整个凡尔赛就是随着路易十四而起而兴旺的。路易十四作为一个国王同样 有着神奇不凡的一生。据说路易十四的每天起床都要分“小起”和“大起”的仪式。内容好多,我当时没带纸笔也记不下来,也不许拍照。哎~~人家国王生活就是 这样啊!
