明天上international seminar,我选的课题是《Business Ethics and Decision-Making》。刚看了些老师预先发的材料,颇有感触,先在这里抒发一下,看看上完整整三天的seminar后我的想法会有何改观。
其是我之前一直的理解是做生意是不要什么道德的,或者说生意人本来就是不道德的,传统的中国“无奸不商”的概念。老师发的一份材料是Rowen H.McCoy的一个关于苦行僧的故事,讲的是本来不认识的一群人去爬那种很险的雪山,路上发现一个没有衣服鞋子气息微弱的人在半山腰。作为个人,大家分 别各自贡献了一些力量,但是还是一个一个地把这个苦行僧留在了半山腰,自己继续爬山,苦行僧不知死活。故事的问题是“Where is the limit of our responsibility in a situation like this?”,其次如何处理个人道德和团体道德之间的关系。关于这个故事,有兴趣的可以自己去搜一搜,题目是《The Parable of the Sadhu》。
Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.
"By launching Google.cn, our website for the People's Republic of China. In order to do so, we have agreed to remove certain sensitive information from our search results. We know that many people are upset about this decision, and frankly, we understand their point of view. This wasn't an easy choice, but in the end, we believe the course of action we've chosen will prove to be the right one.
Launching a Google domain that restricts information in any way isn't a step we took lightly. For several years, we've debated whether entering the Chinese market at this point in history could be consistent with our mission and values. Our executives have spent a lot of time in recent months talking with many people, ranging from those who applaud the Chinese government for its embrace of a market economy and its lifting of 400 million people out of poverty to those who disagree with many of the Chinese government's policies, but who wish the best for China and its people. We ultimately reached our decision by asking ourselves which course would most effectively further Google's mission to organize the world's information and make it universally useful and accessible. Or, put simply: how can we provide the greatest access to information to the greatest number of people?
Filtering our search results clearly compromises our mission. Failing to offer Google search at all to a fifth of the world's population, however, does so far more severely. Whether our critics agree with our decision or not, due to the severe quality problems faced by users trying to access Google.com from within China, this is precisely the choice we believe we faced. By launching Google.cn and making a major ongoing investment in people and infrastructure within China, we intend to change that."
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13 years ago
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