January 13, 2007

SFU观看手记: Have you done something good?


元旦之后重拾《Six Feet Under》,之前有好几个月没看,不是因为不好看,是因为这部剧实在是too much。每每看了以后,感觉暂时什么也做不了了,因为有太多的令人感悟的点了。刚看到S03E04(Nobody Sleeps),终于又出现了《Six Feet Under》难得的很温馨的大团圆的场面,而且通过一场葬礼,大家愈加懂得珍惜。觉得还是要把自己的观后感给抒发出来,寸个档。

“For here you are, standing there, loving me
Whether or not you should
So somewhere in my youth or childhood
I must have done something good

Nothing comes from nothing
Nothing ever could
So somewhere in my youth or childhood
I must have done something good”

好多人在感到幸福的时候,会引用这段著名的《音乐之声》中Maria和老公的对白。"我做了什么才会得到现在如此的幸福呢?那一定是我以前种下了善因—— I must have done something good。"这根本谈不上什么逻辑,但是在这种混乱的因果关系中,我们能看到幸福的人们的幸福的状态。但是对于那些幸福还没有来到的那些人呢?是因为小时 候或者是以前甚至现在做的好事不够多吗?显然这样的说法是不成立的。于是人们问:“要怎样做才能得到幸福呢?”这集的《Six Feet Under》似乎在告诉我们答案——stick around。在你爱的人身边,不要(因为诱惑或困惑)而离开。I'm not sure if the happiness is about the cause and effect, and maybe endless giving brings back nothing. But at least "stick around" is all we could do.

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